
stanton3I am passionate, lively and deeply inquisitive. These qualities have directed my life since young. My enthusiasm and love for life has led me to travel widely, where I have had many rich experiences engaging people from diverse backgrounds.

Born in the UK, I earned an undergraduate honors degree in European Business and IT.  I also learnt to teach English as a foreign language (TEFLA), and this accreditation gave me the possibility to move to Guatemala to teach English and learn Spanish for six months.

A yearning to see Asia followed and it was here that I fell in love – the quality of heart in Asia resonated with me so deeply that it affected the course of my life. On my first trip to India, I felt a deep sense of connection with the land and the people. The depth of spirituality, the beauty of ritual, felt so familiar to me.

In Singapore, I achieved success in international marketing and ran my own television production company shooting adverts for the Asian TV market. For five years I excelled and received significant financial rewards, but the aching need for spiritual connection in my life remained unsatisfied.

In 2002, after a seven-day fasting retreat in Thailand, I began to awaken. I started experimenting with Feng Shui, and went on to study Instinctive Feng Shui and Soul Coaching with the renowned Denise Linn and attended courses with Chinese Feng Shui masters, such as Raymond Lo, & Yvonne Te Fong. As I researched the topic further, I discovered Space Clearing and the work of pioneer and author, Karen Kingston.

Bali called. I went to to meet and study with Karen.  I studied with Karen for 13 years. I fell in love with the rich simplicity of the Space Clearing ceremony, the beautiful spaces it opens for people to feel, transform and change. The whole process touches me very deeply and still has these effects on my clients today.
Also in 2002, I came across Samuel Sagan, and the work of the Clairvision School of Meditation. I began to meditate and attend courses on the Inner Space Techniques (IST), developing my awareness and spiritual vision. I underwent hundreds of hours of training both giving & receiving sessions.  This deeply transformative work developed my awareness, greater clarity, joy, love and devotion – a fullness in life.

In January 2006, after eight years in Asia I moved to New York City and then later to New Jersey & upstate New York, the Catskills. Over a four year period I ran an IST client practice in NYC as well as continuing to develop and teach Space Clearing & Clutter Clearing, including regular classes in NYC at the New York Open Center in addition to workshops in other cities in the US & Canada. I intermingled this with periods of full-time meditation practices, in the US and Australia.

In Jan 2010, I relocated to the west coast of the US. I continued to develop my Space Clearing & healing abilities, trained in the Grief Recovery Method, Intimacy & Embodiment and continued to teach meditation.

Since 2002, I have Space Cleared 800+ homes and offices across Asia, Australia, Canada and the US, and given thousands of private healing & coaching sessions to clients in transition. My work and I have been featured in magazines, newspapers and on TV.

I help visionaries overcome their emotional blockages, clear the path to a radiant life!

